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About An-line Shipping Pvt Ltd.
AN-Line Shipping Pvt. Ltd. is Crew Manning Agency having large Crewing Network across the globe serving the Industries and we are involved in Crew Management, Ship Management, Ship Candling and Seafarer’s Documentation .
AN-Line Shipping is proud of our growing reputation as a provider of quality Consultancy and Crew Management services for all those aspiring students who are willing to develop their career with in Marine Industry [Merchant Navy - Nationally and internationally]. Our concentration is on coaching our students both practically and scientifically, so that they can utilize their understanding to face future confidently. Read More
Our Services
Crew Management
Through fully digitalized crew management operations, we ensure that all vessels in the fleet have officers & crew onboard with the required skills, training and certification for the vessel type and in case a relevant training for any particular course is required.
Technical Management
AN-line shipping services schemes are equipped to achieve technical brillance in Ship Management.There is no bound to the type of ships managed - the most important being: Bulk Carriers, Container Ships, Car Carriers (PCTC, PCC...), Oil & Chemical tankers.
Ship Board Audits
Considering internal/external ship board audit a very important tool for improvement therefore we posse that a ship has highly qualified in house nautical and engineer auditors who frequent the ships on regular basis to give unbiased/factual reports.
Marine Consultancy
AN-Line Shipping besides providing Ship management Services is also specialized in Marine Consultancy. We have specialized and quality staff with the required bunch of knowledge in regards to the shipping industry, who are capable enough to perform their job splendidly.
New Building Supervision
AN-Line Shipping Pvt. Ltd has a team of skilled, competent and dedicated Marine Engineers and Naval Architects with proven track record in project management and site supervision of new ship construction. Our comments would also be useful for owners' in their negotiations with the yard to upgrade the quality of the vessel.
Marine Training & Education
We provide marine training and education from well established Merchant Navy training institues. The courses are approved by the IMU and other maine bodies
Flag Documentation
Every ship has a designated flag (Indian ship will have Indian flag, Panamian ship will have panamian flag etc..) therefore, a seafarer boarding a ship of a typical flag would require it’s documents to be approved hence, we are also associated with the service of "Flag Documentation".
Vetting Management
AN-line shipping services schemes are equipped to achieve technical brillance in Ship Management.There is no bound to the type of ships managed - the most important being: Bulk Carriers, Container Ships, Car Carriers (PCTC, PCC...), Oil & Chemical tankers.